
Warren Wood - A Specialist Academy

Inspiring creative learners to succeed and flourish in tomorrow’s world

Sensory Processing Training

The website (linked below) is available as a supporting resource and the training events are available to anyone who has a Lincolnshire GP.  The website includes information on how we process sensory information and its effect on how we are able to participate in everyday tasks and activities; for example, this can mean problems paying attention in class or problems coping with things like going to the dentist, hairdressers, meal-times, etc.  It helps to identify sensory stimuli and provides advice on managing challenges in everyday life and includes guidance on techniques that can help families to understand and support children with sensory differences.  In addition, there are more workshops available to book to support parents, carers, and professionals who support children and young people with sensory differences and is limited to families registered with a Lincolnshire GP.  Under the 'Training' section, there are the latest dates for workshops.



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