Message from the Interim Chief Executive Officer
As Interim Chief Executive Officer, I am very pleased to welcome you to our Trust. I am very proud of all our learners (pupils at Warren Wood and pupils/students at Aegir) and our history. We put our children and staff teams first.
Our sustained success is based on our vision to inspire creative learners to succeed and flourish in tomorrow’s world. We aim for excellence in all that we do and encourage others to do the same so that all are happy, healthy, safe and successful. We foster a culture of learning and engagement by ensuring mutual respect and a values-led approach to promoting progress and good behaviour, within an ethos based upon high-quality teaching and support. We believe that all learners can achieve well. Our personalised and outcomes-based curriculum has been the route for success for all of our learners who go on successfully to their next steps in education, employment, training or supported living. This is supplemented by a wide range of extra-curricular experiences and opportunities. We call this our ‘Curriculum for Life' promoting British Values and Character Education. We aim for all of our pupils and students to be academically successful from whatever their starting point, and also to be prepared for adulthood as happy and effective citizens.
I hope that you find our website a valuable resource for seeking information about our specialist academies, their ethos and range of activities. Whether you are a parent/carer, potential pupil/student or visitor, or a school wanting to join our Trust, it is designed with your needs in mind. If you are considering a place at one of our schools for your son or daughter, then please do get in touch and visit us; you are assured of a warm welcome, as are all of our parents and visitors.
Lea Mason