
Warren Wood - A Specialist Academy

Inspiring creative learners to succeed and flourish in tomorrow’s world


School policies cover every aspect of school life. Below are some of our most important policies for your reference. If you would like to know our policy on something that is not listed, please ask the school office, or contact us using the details at the bottom of the page.  In addition to the policies here, our subject policies can be found under 'Curriculum and Home Learning' - please click on the following link.

Our Trust's policies and documents relating to the following matters can be accessed by clicking on the link below which will take you to the relevant page of the Trust's website. 


  • Admissions
  • Anti-Bullying
  • Attendance
  • Charging and Remissions
  • Child Protection
  • Children with Health Needs who cannot attend School
  • Complaints
  • Data Protection
  • Freedom of Information
  • Health and Safety
  • Intimate Care
  • Learners' Discipline and Behaviour
  • Medical Treatments and First Aid
  • Mental Health and Wellbeing
  • Online Safety
  • Peer on Peer Abuse
  • Privacy Notice
  • Race Equality
  • Safeguarding
  • School Uniform
  • SEND Information Regulations
  • SEND
  • Single Equality
  • Statement of Procedures for dealing with Allegations of Abuse Against Staff
  • Supporting Pupils/Students with Medical Conditions
  • Whistleblowing

The following policies and documents are specific to our academy:

If you would like a copy of a policy, please ask at the school office, or contact us using the details below.  


Tel: 01427 615498


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