
Warren Wood - A Specialist Academy

Inspiring creative learners to succeed and flourish in tomorrow’s world


Welcome to our Gallery!!

Please enjoy browsing through our photographs and videos.

Wednesday 3rd May 2023

Today we held an activity evening for all Cubs, Scouts and Explorers as well as their families at Sudbrooke Park Campsite near Lincoln.


The evening started with an energetic sing along around the campfire followed by a range of activities including soft archery, crate stacking, bouldering wall, indoor caving and the assault courses. Refreshments were available including hot dogs and jacket potatoes and everyone had a fantastic evening.


A big thank you to all those who volunteered to help, including some of our fantastic school staff as well as a number of Scout leaders from other groups around Lincolnshire. We could not have achieved such a fantastic evening without you all.

Tuesday 3rd May 2022

Our Cub Scouts wrote to the Queen to congratulate her on her Platinum Jubilee. They recently received a reply from Buckingham Palace, which they are very pleased with and proud of.



Spring 2022 - Art Exhibition

Wednesday 2nd March 2022

Our newly formed 4th Gainsborough, 1st Mayflower Academy Cub Scout Pack visited the group Scout Hut at Aegir and were welcomed by the Year 11 Explorer Scouts. They enjoyed art and craft activities, playing wide-games and some brain-teasing challenges, all ably supported by the Explorers. The Cubs were also formally welcomed into Scouting by taking part in their investiture ceremony.

Knock Knock

Still image for this video
The Choir would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year with their song ‘Knock Knock’ taken from our forthcoming Christmas play (unfortunately delayed). This song tells us about Mary and Joseph struggling to find a place to stay. We hope you enjoy it!!

Harvest Celebrations 2021 



Thank you Mary for leading our Harvest Celebrations and thank you to all of our families for the donations which are going to the Salvation Army for the Gainsborough Food Bank.


Easter 2021 - Art Exhibition

Everyone has been really busy creating wonderful pieces of work for the Easter Art Exhibition - please visit the 'Class Pages' under 'Pupils' to see for yourself!!

Mayflower 400

Every year, the children at Warren Wood remember Gainsborough’s link with the Mayflower Pilgrims’ story on November 26th, the same day as Thanksgiving, by parading lanterns through the street.  This year the children in Birch, Oak, Maple and Hawthorn classes made lanterns in honour of the 400th anniversary of the Mayflower’s voyage from England to America in 1620, which took some of the Pilgrims from the region. They will be taking the lanterns home to display. We were kindly provided with the resources by the West Lindsay Illuminate Project.


On Monday 11th November 2019, our pupils and staff took part in special assemblies to mark Remembrance Day 2019. We learnt about the first Act of Remembrance in 1919, why the poppy became the symbol of remembrance as a result of John McCrea’s poem and took part in a minute’s silence. Some pupils also brought their artwork to share.

On Tuesday 1st October 2019, our pupils were delighted to welcome the musicians from The Lincolnshire Chamber Music Festival.  The musicians were Bea, Richard and Tom who played oboe and English horn, bassoon, piano accordion and clarinet.  We learnt a lot about how the instruments are played and the sounds they make.

On Thursday 19th September 2019, our pupils enjoyed seeing a performance called "Splash!" presented by Extraordinary Bodies who used circus skills, puppets, mime and British Sign Language to tell the story of a girl called Flo who goes on a journey in an underwater world.  

On Wednesday 15th May 2019,, Key Stage 1 pupils all visited Gainsborough to see All Saints’ Parish Church, the Old Hall and the library. First they went into All Saints’ to experience the beautiful building and learn about what happens there.  Then they walked around the Old Hall where King Henry 8th once stayed.  Finally they went into the library and had a great time looking at books together.  The visit was part of the Street Detectives topic and was followed up with further work on old buildings, making models and R.E.

Key Stage 2 Learn to be Botanists!!

On Thursday 9th May 2019, Sue and Carly came from LoveLincsPlants to lead a Plant Explorers workshop. They taught us the names of parts of a plant; we went out onto the school field to dig up some plants with special trowels; we drew a botanical diagram of our plant; used an identification chart to find out its name and learnt how to press it so it can be kept and used in the project with the Natural History Museum. Mine was a forget-me-not. Later in the year we are hoping to be able to visit the Natural History Museum to learn more about their work.

By Young Journalist Charlie


On Friday 29th March 2019, Sue Fysh, the LoveLincsPlants Education and Community Officer, came to explain their project to Key Stage 2 pupils and ask for their help. As a school we have been inspired by The Lost Words book, which was donated by the group, and celebrates nature in beautiful paintings and poetry. We are keen to help with the project which involves identifying, collecting and cataloguing plants which grow in Lincolnshire and is part of a much bigger piece of work led by the Natural History Museum.  Sue will be returning on Thursday 9th May to help us all learn to become knowledgeable and skilful botanists.

Harvest Festival 2018

The theme this year has been 'Making the World a Better Place'.  We have been learning how we can all make a change to help save the planet by recycling more and taking care of our oceans and the creatures in them.  Our Harvest Festival featured instruments made from recycled materials with songs about recycling and taking responsibility for the natural world.

The generous donations of food were taken by the Salvation Army to distribute in our local community.



Celebration Assembly




EYFS Outdoor Learning


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